If you've got an idea, and you're eager to get it off the ground then we could be the right team to work with. Our team is full-scope and has all the reaches of tech stack required to get you bootstrapped and flying.
When you know that your team is going through a rough time, and you're needing someone to hold the limbs together until you find a strong replacement. We can come in, and clean house for you. We've got individuals certified in Scrum, Agile, and Waterfall.
You've got an application that's successfully running, and you want to add a mobile application to it. There are choices that we can make we can build applications that are web based, mobile based (Android, Mac, PinePhone), or even target desktop applications that run natively (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, BSD). We even have solutions that allow us to hit all 3 userbases on those platforms at the same time.
We've taken photos, and can do aerial shots of whatever you'd like. If you've got a video you need shot we can also cover that. If something isn't in our repetoire we know a guy who's incredibly talented.
Maybe you're wanting to bump up in the rankings on Google, Bing, and Duck Duck Go. Well we can help with that. We've got a handy book of tricks that include things such as speed improvements, meta-data additions, and adding other valuable information to your site that can help with page rankings.
When it comes to design, we're not just graphic designers. We're full-stack designers. What that means for you is anything from a logo to a website, we can do it all. We've even got the ability to do traditional print, so you can get your design out to the world.
You're a business who's online, or not online currently and you're wanting to up your game. We've worked on quite a few of web re-designs and green field projects in this category, hell it's where we originally started.